Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

Bayer Shareholder Lawsuit Complicates Roundup Herbicide Settlement

Bayer has also been hit with a $265 million jury award to a US farmer for ruining his peach farm by cross-contamination

Monday, March 9, 2020 - Bayer Inc. is being sued by a shareholder for what is being called a "Disastrous Monsanto Deal." In 2018, Bayer AG, a German-based life sciences company purchased Monsanto for $63 billion and since then has seen that amount and more wiped from the company's stock capitalization, essentially doubling the cost of the acquisition. Bayer shareholder Rebecca Haussmann filed a lawsuit against the company alleging, according to Yahoo Finance, that the company has been "engulfed by a tsunami of litigation alleging Monsanto's Roundup causes cancer, eroding Bayer's share value, ... and demanding compensation and punitive damages, as well as disgorgement of pay for executives who helped arrange the deal. Attorneys for Ms. Haussmann said that Monsanto knew or should have known about Monsanto's legal problems as lawsuits were in the works against Monsanto prior to Bayer's acquisition of the company. Monsanto Roundup cancer attorneys offer a free consultation and no obligation to file a lawsuit claim.

It is estimated that settling the 50,000 or so lawsuits against Monsanto will take years and cost the company $10 billion or more. Also, many countries, US states, and municipalities have banned or limited the use of glyphosate, the controversial active ingredient in Roundup Weedkiller, which could have disastrous repercussions for Monsanto's bread and butter seed business that generates the majority of the company's revenues, possibly rendering Monsanto worthless. In response to the latter contingency, Bayer executives have allocated billions of dollars to research and development of glyphosate alternatives that could be less harmful to human health and the environment. The company has stated that they are confident that a glyphosate alternative can be brought to market within a decade.

Glyphosate has been determined to be "probably carcinogenic" to humans by the International Agency on Research on Cancer (IARC) a division of the fiercely independent World Health Organization (WHO). In response to the IARC designation, the US state of California automatically included Roundup Herbicide on its official list of products sold in the state that contain chemicals that cause cancer and lawyers for Monsanto had to go to court to keep from having to warn consumers with a Roundup cancer warning label. Yahoo Finance reported that Bayer may have to sell assets and borrow money under unfavorable terms to finance their legal expenses. All this has forced Bayer CEO Werner Wenning into retirement rather than have to deal with the company's seemingly insurmountable financial problems.

Bayer's efforts to negotiate a settlement with lawyers for plaintiffs with cancer allegedly from using Roundup has run into several roadblocks, not the least of which is another massive jury award to a plaintiff for using a totally different Monsanto product altogether. Bill Bader, the state's largest peach grower alleged his "1,000-acre orchard was irreparably harmed by the company's dicamba-based herbicides which drifted onto his trees from nearby farms." The Missouri jury's $265 million award to peach grower Bill Bader in his lawsuit against herbicide providers Bayer and BASF has raised the stakes for the two companies as at least 140 similar cases head to U.S. courts later this year," according to Reuters News. The total compensation included $250 million in punitive damages.

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.