Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

MIT Professor is Certain Glyphosate Causes Cancer, Autism, Altzheimer's, and Other Deadly Diseases

Glyphosate is sprayed everywhere from underneath power lines to Municipal Waterways and Public Parks to almost every food crop in the world and is the prime suspect in causing many, many diseases

Monday, January 6, 2020 - Dr. Stephanie Seneff spoke to Authentic Earth podcast about the dangers of glyphosate and is concerned about the exponential growth of autism and other deadly diseases in the United States and how the epidemic may be linked to the increase in the use of the chemical glyphosate. Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT and has a Ph.D. from MIT in electrical engineering. Dr. Seneff is terrified of the 1 in 36 rate of autism in children which is much higher than the one in ten thousand children rate just a couple of decades ago. Dr. Seneff has held the position that such a geometric growth curve in autism could not be due to a genetic mutation which would be more gradual and take decades to move the statistical needle but only to a drastic environmental change. The only environmental change that would qualify over the last two decades is the nearly identical growth rate in the amount of glyphosate herbicide sprayed on nearly everything and everywhere to kill weeds. Dr. Seneff also linked the increase in spraying of glyphosate to the increase in the rates of Alzheimer's disease and obesity in the US. Dr. Seneff told AE, "if you are over 75 years old you have a 1 in 3 chance of having dementia already, and it is terrifying. Dementia and autism have a lot in common and some parallels are caused by glyphosate. I almost have no doubt at this point." Roundup herbicide attorneys offer a no obligation, free consultation to people harmed from Monsanto's Roundup weed killer.

Autism and Alzheimer's start in the gut. Dr. Seneff has studied other environmental contaminants such as aluminum, led, mercury, fluoride, vaccines, and concludes that these chemicals were not enough to have caused the increases in the diseases. Glyphosate is a more pervasive chemical and the most used chemical in the US and is "all over the food supply. It's in cookies, cereals, crackers, bread and the breakfast products we eat and feed the children." Dr. Seneff also is certain that glyphosate is causing the increases in other diseases such as "inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, all kinds of auto-immune diseases, multiple sclerosis, several cancers, pancreatic, thyroid, bladder, liver, kidney cancers are all going up dramatically in our society and causing a health care crisis. Many other diseases didn't even exist before glyphosate became a major part of the food supply." Dr. Seneff cites the fact that serious diseases and DNA damage have a latency period that makes pinpointing the root cause of the increases in these diseases difficult. Glyphosate is an "insidious, cumulative mechanism of toxicity and it is difficult to connect the dots of getting slowly poisoned over time that eventually causes a crisis in your health."

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.