Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

Governments Should Think Twice Before Banning Glyphosate As The Alternative Could Be Much Worse

Glyphosate is used around the world in such enormous quantities that banning the chemical could have terrible effects on the economy and, surprisingly, the environment

Friday, March 29, 2019 - California and Florida municipalities are bowing to pressure and, one by one, are banning the use of glyphosate on government properties but such a ban may do more harm than good. Glyphosate may be toxic, but also may be the best alternative the world has. According to Monsanto, "A ban on glyphosate would leave farmers facing lower yields and higher production costs, causing a significant rise in food prices."

Anyone suffering from cancer and suing Monsanto is not only up against the company but also some very considerable corporate interests. Farmers throughout the midwest, indeed throughout the world rely on Roundup herbicide to combat weeds that compete with crops for water and nutrients. Farmers unanimously agree that should glyphosate be banned in the US, the price of produce would skyrocket and US farmers would be unable to compete with European farmers and others. Roundup herbicide cancer lawsuits handled by top national attorneys recommend a free consultation before filing a claim to see if you, a friend or family member qualify to file a claim against Monsanto.

Banning glyphosate has been the objective of environmental activists such as the Environmental Working Group, however, doing so could have a devastating effect on the economy and the environment. An overlooked potential consequence of eliminating glyphosate could be that farmers look to outdated chemicals that have been proven to be far more harmful to the environment and to human health. According to the Genetic Literacy Project, "Farmers say they prefer glyphosate to harsher weedkillers such as paraquat and atrazine...Glyphosate also has been regarded as less toxic to humans." It is argued that using glyphosate reduces the need to till the soil and reduces soil erosion, preserving the critical level of topsoil. Farmers argue that their water bills would increase astronomically if they did not have Roundup and crops had to compete with the weeds for water. Other costs that would increase with a ban on glyphosate are machinery costs as the fields would have to be manually weeded and watered.

In the end, environmental groups and government regulators should take all of the factors regarding glyphosate into consideration. Banning glyphosate may solve one problem but turn around and cause many others that are potentially much worse. Requiring all farmers to go organic is unrealistic as glyphosate would be replaced with a more highly toxic alternative. Maybe scientists should come up with a better solution before replacing the solution we already have.

According to Newsweek, Bayer's takeover of Monsanto required the approval of over 30 regulatory agencies around the world. When the two companies merged Bayer now controlled around 25% of the worlds seeds and herbicide sales. Bayer's enthusiasm over leading the world into the future as a "life-sciences" company may have been dashed as two out of two lawsuits against Monsanto have been decided in favor of the plaintiffs and have cost the company around $160 million comprised of mostly punitive damages. In addition, Bayer stock has plummeted and lost over 60% of its value, ironically a greater loss than the cost of acquiring Monsanto in the first place.

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.