Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

Mexico Bans a 1000-ton Shipment of Roundup Herbicide

Monsanto's stranglehold on the world's agricultural production is gradually unraveling as country after country restricts glyphosate

Friday, November 29, 2019 - Consumers of Mexican produce in the United States can breathe a little easier now that Mexico has banned Roundup herbicide containing glyphosate, a suspected carcinogen. The New York Times reported that "The Mexican government blocked a 1,000-ton shipment of the pesticide glyphosate into the country, citing health and environmental concerns, and that glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup) represents a high environmental risk, given the credible presumption that its use can cause serious environmental damage and irreversible health damage." Austria, Thailand, Germany, The Netherlands, and France have all announced that they have either banned or intend to phase out glyphosate starting in 2020. The phase-out process is intended to address a country's agri-business community that insists that the cost savings glyphosate affords them keeps the price of fruit, vegetable and other food items competitive with other nations. Glyphosate is restricted in Argentina, Australia, and a host of other countries that are awaiting more testing and concrete evidence that glyphosate is safe for human use. Those using Roundup herbicide are urged to avoid direct skin contact with glyphosate, a condition that led to three multi-million dollar jury verdicts for plaintiffs in the United States that developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma from occupational exposure to the chemical. Glyphosate is also suspected of causing serious health problems such as obesity and autism in children. Researchers are studying the effects that glyphosate has on human DNA when it is ingested through the foods we eat and feed children such as breakfast bars and cereals.

According to the USDA's International Trade Report, corn is the top agricultural export from Mexico to the US totaling approximately USD 3.1 billion per year. Other leading export commodities from Mexico are soybeans, wheat, and barley, all heavily genetically modified food staples. These crops and others are genetically engineered to be resistant to Roundup herbicide and the seeds sold by Monsanto are useless without the specialty Roundup herbicide mixture. For every one dollar of Monsanto Roundup sales lost, Monsanto loses many times that amount in GMO seed sales. Reuters reports that "Net sales of Monsanto's soybean seeds and traits totaled almost $2.7 billion in fiscal 2017, or about a fifth of its total net sales." Roundup herbicide cancer lawsuits represented by top national attorneys helping families and individuals and offer a free consultation.

German Life Sciences conglomerate Bayer INc. purchased Monsanto in 2018 for USD 63 million and now the company's board of directors and chairman are under pressure to find alternatives to Roundup herbicide. In light of the trend of countries banning Roundup Bayer has committed 5 billion dollars for research and development into glyphosate alternatives. Bayer faces tens of billions of dollars in potential legal costs from over 45,000 farmers, landscapers, government maintenance workers, homeowners and others that have filed suit claiming Roundup caused their cancer. The company is currently in talks to work out a settlement that is estimated could cost the company around $50 billion.

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.