Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

Mediator Appointed To Settle Some Cases Against Monsanto

Billions have been awarded to only four plaintiffs that claim that glyphosate gave them cancer

Monday, May 27, 2019 - A seasoned and experienced mediator has been appointed to try and hammer out a settlement between Monsanto/Bayer and hundreds of users of Roundup herbicide that have filed claims that allege the chemical caused their cancer. According to attorney Kenneth Feinberg has been appointed to hold meetings with attorneys representing plaintiffs and Monsanto/Bayer. The mediation efforts are being initiated by U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Franciso where more than 900 cases have been filed against the agro-chemical giant and its international parent company Bayer Inc. According to Reuters, Mr. Feinberg has an impeccable track record in mediation and was appointed when the two parties could not decide on a mediator. "Feinberg is well known for having facilitated dispute resolutions in high-stakes litigations in the past. He led mediation talks over the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster, Volkswagen's diesel emissions scandal and General Motors ignition switch litigation." Monsanto Rounup cancer lawsuit attorneys representing families and individuals harmed by Monsanto herbicide offer a free consultation and no obligation to file a claim.

Most of the more than 13,000 cases against Monsanto/Bayer have been filed in state courts around the country by occupational users of Roundup herbicide. Farmers, landscapers, maintenance workers and others that spray the chemical regularly claim to have developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a rare form of cancer, by coming into direct contact with the chemical on the surface of their skin. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup has been determined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to be "probably carcinogenic." At issue, however, is not merely glyphosate but the chemical compound it is mixed with to form the Roundup herbicide product that scientists and researchers think can be absorbed by the skin, bioaccumulate, and contribute to cancer.

Three cases have been decided this way within the year against Monsanto/Bayer two for $80 million each and the last one for an incredible $2 billion. The later amount is under appeal. The next trial in state court will begin in August 2019 in Monsanto's home state of Missouri. The plaintiff, 50-year old Sharlean Gordon was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2006 after using Roundup herbicide regularly for about 15 years. Having the trial in Monsanto's home state enables the plaintiffs to call Monsanto executives to testify.

Monsanto continues to stand behind Roundup herbicide as being safe for humans to use and has said that they will comply with the judge's order of mediation although they are confident that the three cases against them will be overturned on appeal. Monsanto has also been accused of manipulating the results of the scientific tests that the US Environmental Protection Agency relied on when is stated that glyphosate was safe for human consumption. Internal company memos revealed in the three previous trials point to the company ghostwriting the interpretation of the scientific studies and then simply having accredited scientists sign them in order to "save money." Monsanto has also been shown to have influenced insiders at the EPA. According to Eurasia, "Jess Rowland, formerly a manager in the EPA's pesticide division, is said to have boasted in an April 2015 conversation with a Monsanto regulatory affairs manager that, "If I can kill this I should get a medal." In October that year, the EPA's Cancer Assessment Review Committee (CARC), chaired by Rowland (miracle of miracles) produced an internal report claiming that glyphosate, contrary to the IARC findings, were "not likely to be carcinogenic to humans."

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.